Howdy Y’all!
Welcome to the official SaddleStrings Website. Kick yer boots
off, we sure hope that you enjoy your stay. Feel free to make yourself at home. Rustle up a tale on our story page, see our upcoming events, buy our
albums, check out what’s new, book us for an event or just a family get together, or just share some info about yourself,
by sending us an e-mail (or snail mail, if you prefer).
Our newest album: Songs
from the Saddle Shop is now available!
Teri Arnold's Grandfather

This is what we look like>>>

SS on Antelope Island 2011 Photography by Neets
5800 South 5900 West * Hooper, UT 84315 * (801) 985-9661 * for bookings: (801) 547-2527.